Jan. 1, 2021 Our first trip has taken us to the upstate of SC. in search of the rare Short-Eared Owl.
We got to the Santee NWR Bluff Unit late afternoon to discover a couple mixed large flocks of Canada Geese and Coots. We quickly found our 1st rare bird, a Snow Goose. We were surprised by a flock of 16 Sandhill Cranes. We climbed to the top of the observation deck and searched the vast fields for the Short-Eared Owl. The Bluff Unit closes at 5:00 so we were quickly running out of time.
Jan 2, 2021 It was a dreary overcast day. We decided to visit the Cuddo Unit portion of Santee NWR. As, we came to break in the tree line we heard the call of a Common Loon, with in seconds we located not one but two Common Loons out on Lake Marion. What a delight it was to hear this call. We continued on and discovered a adult Bald Eagle and a lone male Cardinal showing off is bright red on this overcast day.
Jan 3, 2021 We headed back to the Bluff Unit late in the afternoon in search of the Short-Eared Owl. When we arrived to the observation deck there were quite a few folks already there. We asked if anyone had seen the Owl. There were a couple folks that thought they had it in a scope but, upon a closer look it was a hawk. Everyone was searching the fields but, the Owl could not located. It was closing in on 5:00pm as we made our way back to the trail head. We saw a couple looking intently into the field. I approached and asked if they had seen the Owl. You have to love birders willingness to share! Yes, they had found it. I quickly located the bird as well. After seeing the location of the bird, I barked to Ken, we are going back to the observation deck. We hurried back to the observation deck as nightfall was approaching. To the delight of all the birders who remained, there were two Short-Eared Owls flying back and forth over the field about 400 yards out. Ken did his very best to get me a couple photo of these special birds. Our trip was complete.